November 2023 — I have been taking Cardio-C (XL) since July 1, 2023. I am a 77-year-old woman with a family history of heart disease. On November 13, 2023, I had an extensive CT Angio Coronary Arteries with Contrast with 3D. The Calcium Agatston score for all four arteries was zero, no stenosis was found in any of them, nor was there any pericardial calcification or significant effusion. I attribute these amazing (for my age and family health history) CT results to taking Cardio-C XL every day since July 1, 2023.
October 2023 — I have only been taking the product for a month and already have seen: Total cholesterol down, LDL down, triglycerides down and HDL remained stable. I had an expensive test done that measures inflammation in the arteries called LP-PLA2 AND IT WAS VERY LOW!
Your product is of very high quality. I have tried putting my own formula together and it just didn’t have the same effect as this one.
March 2022 –
I helped a family friend who had a stent to go on the Pauling Therapy, along with IV EDTA Chelation. He was desperate because his doctors REFUSED him Quadruple Bypass Surgery that they said he needed, but would not survive … that’s how bad off he was. So they left him for dead.
Being armed with knowledge of the Pauling Therapy, I advised him to go on the 2 Jar per Month therapeutic dose.
He’s been doing great for almost two years now.
Sept 2005 – In June 22/6/05 I had my last scan. The result is the left Carotid artery according to the Vascular surgeon has closed down. The atherosclerosis beyond the blockage, which was entering deeper into my cranium has disappeared, in other words, the artery is clear. My right artery is also clear.
The Vascular surgeon is staggered.
Maybe had I gone onto the therapeutic quantities, my left artery may have cleared the plaque blocking it?
Feb 2016 – I just want to say thank you, Mr Fonorow. Cardio C saved my life, all my arteries were clogged the doctors didn’t know how I was still alive. To make a long story short I’ve never been healthier, with total blood flow. God bless you and Dr. Pauling. he was more than a genius
I have been taking Cardio-C on a daily basis for about the past five years; during which time I have not been ill at any time, summer or winter, with so much as a cold. I take a number of other supplements as well, but Cardio-C is the foundation of my program.
Thank you for your powerful product.
Dec 2013 After using Cardio-C, there has been quite a remarkable turn-around in my heart health. In fact, today we had 8 inches of snow and I was able to shovel walks and driveway. We live in a rural area and there is quite a bit of walkway and driveway. All this work and no heart pain. Absolutely amazing!!
Vit C seems to have cleared all my cardio troubles up, no medication for months, but I am suffering a dental problem. taking Amoxicillin 500mg. for my desceased rear molar…
Linus Pauling came next and I am eternally grateful for his findings and those of his colleagues, and all who helped to spread his teachings: I have had no problems since I began with Cardio C.
One year and 10 months after the heart stents my arteries are clear and I only take one BP med which is the water pill. My BP averages right around 115 over 70 with a pulse of 80 which has always been a little higher. I have no doubt that the Pauling therapy works and it is cheap!
So with all this involved, I read Linus Pauling’s work on Vitamin C and ordered your product which has done wonders for me. I gradually gained the strength in my heart to the point that this past year I have logged out 7 loads of timber from my property by myself with the minimal equipment that I have. That’s over 21,000 board feet of wood.
November 2023 — I have had two angiograms in the last year and a half. The first of them evidenced 80% stenosis in two arteries (RCA and Circumflex) in May of 2022. Roughly 15 months later in August of 2023 I had a follow up which showed the same artery blockages had regressed (opened up) to about 50%.
Owen, I feel very confident that your formula had a lot to do with this healing process and I wanted to say thank you for creating it and for being so wonderful with me and all the help and assistance you have so courteously offered me during my doing business with your company.
“Thank you so very much for honoring and sharing with everyone Linus Pauling and his magnificent life’s work and the formula he has discovered to reverse the devastating effects of heart disease a.k.a. cardiovascular scurvy. I’ve seen amazing test results because of learning and applying what I know about him, his work, you, and Linus Pauling’s Vitamin C formula and recommendations.
Thank you so very much!
God bless you!
Dear Owen Fonorow,
I want to thank you for saving my life!
In 2002, I began following Dr. Pauling’s recommendations and continue until today with the results recorded in the attached medical records.
I feel indebted to you, Dr. Fonorow, for providing me with information that has enabled me to live the last ten years of my life in excellent health. Thank you for keeping Linus Pauling’s legacy alive.
Oct 2014 In Sept. 2007 I had to get a stent in my heart. I had one vein plugged 99% one 40% and one 60%. In 2008, one year later they did a Cath. and found the other two clear after taking cardio-c for one year. Also in March of 2007 My brother had a four way bypass. I finally got him taking cardio-c also.
It’s been six years since any heart problems for either of us. We always get a clean bill of health from our Drs. Of course they are not interested in what we are doing. KEEP IT COMING MY FRIEND. And God bless you
My angina at this moment is gone as reported before. I walk nearly every day around a park nearby. Also started my dancing again two nights a week. Plus able to cut my own grass and some gardening as well. So yes I say Thank You to Linus Pauling for his work with Vitamin C.
Without discovering your website, I might not be here today! “Thanks” seems hardly adequate.”
Best Wishes,
Me (cardiologist): I had a Carotid Artery go up to 30% occlusion and back down to zero about a year and half ago. I was taking the same amount as my wife and that.s when the dosage issue came into play. You can read this at the .It.s the dosage stupid.. Thread. Yes I’ve seen regression of plaque in a short period of time!
The parting words from my doctor on Thursday was “I can’t believe how good of shape your body is now” all the pressure points were normal, all the circulation normal, B P normal and then I was rewarded again by reduction in medication. I also lost about 15 pounds of unnecessary weight, thyroid is almost back to normal level and yes I am grateful, however, I am grateful to the Glory of God and know I have been Redeemed, Saved given a new opportunity.
Doctor Approved
Trusted By Doctors & Patients Around the Country.
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